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UIS Emiquon Field Station to host “Spring Migration By The Numbers”"Spring Migration by the Numbers," a public lecture and nature walk, will be presented at the University of Illinois at Springfield’s Emiquon Field Station beginning at 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 29th, at the Field Station. The program is free and open to the public; reservations are not required.
The program will be led by Jim Herkert, director of conservation science for The Nature Conservancy. According to Mr. Herkert, “We will explore the phenomenon of migration in birds covering things such as how many species of birds migrate through Illinois each year? How do birds navigate their way along migration? How far do birds migrate each year? And how important is Emiquon as a migratory stopover site for migrating birds?”
“Emiquon is a great place to observe bird migration because it contains a wide variety of habitats (e.g., woodlands, prairie, and wetlands) and therefore provides habitat for a wide range of migratory birds and because of its very large size which allows for very large concentrations of birds to use the site during their annual migrations,” Herkert added.
The Emiquon Field Station is at The Nature Conservancy’s Emiquon Preserve, located between Havana and Lewistown. Entrance to the field station is on Prairie Road, located off Illinois Rts. 97/78, approximately one-and-a-half miles north of the Dickson Mounds turnoff. A sign will be posted.
A map is also available online at The program will start with a presentation and then follow with to a walk on the nearby trails. Everyone entering the property will be asked to sign a liability waiver. Participants younger than 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult and must have their waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian.
All are encouraged to wear walking/hiking shoes and to bring binoculars.
For more information, contact Mike Lemke, Emiquon Field Station Director, at or 217/206-7339.